In 2014, OfficeMax executive leadership requested two different concept stores to be executed quickly and efficiently. The first was the Accelerator program, a redesign of the typical OfficeMax store format. The program required the application of a new brand style guide across every touch point, from wayfinding to price cards. As advertising manager of POP, I managed the program, coordinating visual merchandising, branding, and marketing teams to concept and implement strategies within a 4-week time table. To achieve the accelerated schedule, I organized daily war room sessions, maintained timelines and organized vendors to ensure the program was complete on time and on budget.
Role: Advertising Manager, POP
Techniques: POP & Corrugate Prototyping, Project Management, Timeline Creation & Implementation, Leadership, Communications
Following the success of the Accelerator program, I was tasked with managing the implementation of the second redesign project, a small-concept, urban version of our OfficeMax footprint. Partnering with the Visual Manager in charge of the Vector initiative, I worked with her to identify all signage needs, manage the requests through the art department and manage print vendors and timelines to ensure all POP was available in time for each of the 3 store launches. As with the Accelerator Stores, each touch point to the customer was revised and redesigned to ensure an elevated, consistent visual experience.